A new study in Japan reveals the link between food waste and an ageing population, and how educational initiatives can help ...
In Japan, older households waste twice as much food as their younger counterparts Could age be a key factor to consider when it comes to reducing food waste? So suggests a new scientific study, which ...
Their findings will help us develop sound strategies to minimize food waste in Japan and other aging developed countries. Household food waste is an important contributor to global food loss and ...
Japan's Ministry of Health, Labor, and Welfare has developed specific guidelines, calling people to take leftovers home to reduce food waste. The Japanese government calls people to take leftovers ...
Efforts to reduce food waste are gaining momentum in Japan, with many companies extending expiration and best-before dates for processed foods, although small businesses have been notably slower to do ...
Credit: Kmpzzz/Shutterstock. Japan Health Ministry has drafted new guidelines that are aimed at reducing food waste by allowing customers to take leftovers home from restaurants, provided they meet ...
(Mainichi) TOKYO (Kyodo) -- Efforts to reduce food waste are gaining momentum in Japan, with many companies extending expiration and best-before dates for processed foods, although small ...