The song of the Yellow-throated Warbler would please you, kind reader. Of this I have not a doubt, as it is soft and loud, and is continued for two or three minutes at a time, not unlike that of the ...
A small and spritely warbler that moves actively in bushes and trees, often flipping its longish tail about as it hops from branch to branch. Typically stays low in semi-open areas, avoiding the ...
The Florida Keys Wild Bird Rehabilitation Center is located a short 7-mile drive southwest of Key Largo in Tavernier, Florida. It consists of two facilities: an animal hospital where wounded birds ...
When I found the spot in my binoculars, I was rewarded with not a yellow-rumped warbler, but rather a brown creeper and I reached for the camera. Brown creepers are common birds, but they are hard ...
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Patrick’s Day parades and events Trump’s $5 million gold citizenship card: What South Florida advisers say about the plan From South Florida legal advisers to real estate agents seeking buyers ...
“If nothing else, fruits, flowers, birds during migration, caterpillars, things that are signifying seasonal changes are super valuable.” These seasonal markers contribute to a better ...
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Its top part is dark brown on top and its breast is dingy white or light yellow. Interestingly, the plumage of the chick is the opposite of the adult, and it may need to molt as many as five times ...