Defined culture conditions robustly maintain human stem cell pluripotency, highlighting a role for Ca 2+ signaling Comparative analysis of 100+ PSC lines highlights biological differences ...
“We have seen the presence of glyphosate-resistant Canada fleabane moving north in the past decade so we are not completely surprised” to see it in fields in Ontario, Francois Tardif of Guelph’s ...
SNHU offers educational pathways in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) to help our students get the skills they need to become successful. The School of Engineering, Technology, ...
At Christmas, the plants’ stems were still green, with a few small tufts of tiny leaves perched at the stem ends. I’ve ordered seeds again this year from William Dam Seeds in Ontario ...
cut away dead brown foliage at the base of the stem and then compost it. You can also cut back deciduous ornamental grasses. Once you have tidied up the plants in your border, this is a good ...
This article looks at the best perennials that could help transform your garden, from the best climbing perennials to those ...
Baby Gem does well in the ground or containers and is much more pest-resistant than English or American boxwood. It likes full to part sun and well-drained soil. Plant it in USDA Zones 4 through 9. A ...
The cigar-shaped, bright blooms attract hummingbirds and butterflies. Firecracker plant prefers light, well-draining, moist soil. It blooms for months until the first frost; you won't need to deadhead ...
Stem cells are cells that have the capacity to self-renew by dividing and to develop into more mature, specialised cells. Stem cells can be unipotent, multipotent, pluripotent or totipotent ...
Beverly Maloney, the STEM Lead and House Mistress of Blake House at Royal Hospital School, emphasises the significance and impact of making STEM subjects more accessible In today’s rapidly evolving ...
Most pot plants benefit from a regular feed during the growing season (such as Tomorite). In spring or autumn replace the upper layer of compost with fresh peat-free compost. Drainage For plants that ...