An Onion Lake, Sask., man made the catch of a lifetime at a Cross Lake, Man., fishing derby, hauling in a 100-centimetre ...
After a long winter of cold temperatures and few fishing opportunities, people are itching to get on the water again. While many anglers anxiously await the opening day of trout season, others are ...
So, I recommend you not to trade this four-headed beast for a lower-value fish or item. To get to it, you must get the Magma Leviathan, Frozen Leviathan, and Crowned Anglerfish first. So, if you want ...
The US Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS) is urging Americans to eat certain invasive species, including animals similar to giant rats and wild pigs. In a Facebook post, the agency encouraged people to ...
Blue cats inhabit every tributary to the Chesapeake Bay, and the local government is urging anglers to take as many as ...
Catch the Current hosts Amanda Buckle and Lorin Castiglione are dialing it in this episode — literally. Members of the Undercurrent News team join to break down what the seafood industry needs to know ...
The most recent Census of Agriculture in 2023, counted 3,453 aquaculture farms in the U.S., producing nearly $1.9 billion in ...
A rare 200 kg shark caught by a fisherman near Contai, West Bengal, fetched nearly Rs 1 lakh at an auction at Petuaghat fish ...
Though it was not the most-attended Opening Day in Roaring River State Park history, Saturday’s annual event came close to ...
The Pelican Catch Classic 120 has some drawbacks compared ... The original version of this boat was my first fishing kayak ever. I was able to paddle all the ponds, lakes, and protected saltwater ...
Barbara’s Fishtrap isn’t just a restaurant; it’s a reminder of what makes California’s coastal cuisine so special. In a state ...
Jack’s London Grill has become a local institution, with regulars who swear by their roast beef and newcomers who become ...