Evidence of a metabolic acidosis in intrapartum fetal, umbilical arterial cord, or very early neonatal blood samples (pH < 7.00 and base deficit ≥12 mmol/L) Early onset of severe or moderate ...
is done to obtain a scalp sample of capillary blood from the fetus in order to assess fetal acidosis, in the presence of a suspicious or pathological CTG. Decision-results interval during performing ...
Decreased variability should raise concern about fetal hypoxia if delivery is delayed that might lead to acidosis." The ...
At presentation, she had a pathological fetal heart tracing but delivery was delayed for maternal stabilisation and reversal of acidosis. Once hyperglycaemia, acidosis and maternal stabilisation were ...
Primary outcome measures were delivery by Caesarean section (CS) for suspected fetal compromise, fetal acidosis (pH<7.1), meconium stained liquor and admission to SCBU (special care baby unit). BFHR ...
DKA results in reduction in uteroplacental blood flow due to osmotic diuresis, and also in metabolic abnormalities (maternal acidosis, hyperglycaemia, electrolyte imbalance), resulting in fetal ...
Another fetal blood sample was ordered and unsurprisingly showed a worrying increase in acidosis. We alleged that the pathological CTG, the meconium staining and the increase in acidosis were all ...