The correction was issued following the FDA’s letter citing the potential risk of exposure to toxic compounds when using ...
While Rule 204 of the FSMA sounds ideal for consumers, it means companies need to make some necessary upgrades.
The Biden White House’s Office of Management and Budget is studying a proposal for a front nutrition labeling rule, but its ...
This parasiticide product was previously approved for killing adult fleas ( Ctenocephalides felis ), treating and preventing ...
Eli Lilly has removed the commonly used clinical measure of body mass index from the FDA label for its weight loss drug ...
About the author: Peter Lurie, M.D., is the president and executive director of the Center for Science in the Public Interest ...
Food labels are essential pieces of information fixed on products, providing details on the contents of the food. Codex General Standard for ...
Public health experts abhor RFK Jr.'s conspiracy theories but hold out hope he might rein in ultraprocessed foods.
The seafood salad may be of particular risk to those customers who have an allergy or severe sensitivity to soy, the FDA has ...
Rachel Greenberg and Danny Benjamin write, Research shows that families often participate in advancing research to improve ...
Esperion files new drug submissions in Canada for Nexletol and Nexlizet as a treatment for reducing bad cholesterol and ...
Kraft is one of the biggest and most well-known grocery brands out there, but over the years it's had to recall plenty of ...