A study of ancient stromatolites reveals that ammonium reservoirs in early Earth's oceans, likely influenced by volcanic ...
Scientists discovered a previously hidden ecosystem - lagoons in Argentina's Puna de Atacama harbors microbial communities, ...
A spacecraft's sample return capsule was detected entering the Earth's atmosphere using acoustic sensors by a team of ...
From the glaciers in Patagonia to the sand dunes in Namibia, here are 57 gorgeous photos of the last unspoiled places on ...
With new data coming in from Mars, scientists have a new theory about why the planet is red. What does this mean for whether ...
Within the next decade, space agencies plan to bring samples of rock from Mars to Earth for study. Of concern is the ...
"The network of Telegram channels posing as Ukrainian, supported by Russian special services, including Legitimny, Rezident, ...
The discovery that helium and iron can mix at the temperatures and pressures found at the center of Earth could settle a long ...
Although one of the biggest concerns about AI is how much energy it gobbles up, Earth scientists say AI tools can supplement ...
By estimating the collective energy of these “natural engineers,” researchers found their geomorphic contributions rival ...
DC Comics is known for their Crisis events. The word “Crisis” has a lot of meaning to DC fans; as far back as the Silver Age ...
In research highlighted in a new paper, published today in The Astrophysical Journal, Scientia Senior Lecturer Ben Montet and PhD candidate Brendan McKee analysed changes in the timing of a known ...