German Chancellor Olaf Scholz said on Monday that Europe should continue to support Ukraine, emphasizing that no peace of dictate can be imposed on the country.
With regard to U.S. wielding the big stick of tariffs, Wang Yiwei said this move has undermined the global free trade regime ...
编者按:中国在中东的国家形象常受到西方思维的影响。近期,伊朗资深媒体人诺詹・埃特扎多萨尔塔内(Nozhan ...
A total of 1,303 foreign nationals were arrested for illegally entering Myanmar from January 30 to Monday, the team said.
总部位于慕尼黑的军民两用初创公司ARX Robotics就是其中之一。该公司的技术有助于将卡车和坦克等传统军事装备转变为具备无人驾驶能力的自动驾驶车辆。这一转变提升了在乌克兰前线等高风险地区进行侦察、后勤保障以及作战行动的安全性。