Mark Perry, the longtime executive director of the Florida Oceanographic Society, has spent his adult life trying to protect ...
There’s never been a better time for oyster slurping in the Pacific Northwest. There’s a slew of new players returning to the merriment of oyster happy hours and high-class, good fun food on the shell ...
Kochi: While there have been studies on presence of microplastics in Kochi backwaters and in some fish species, a new study ...
Held at The Bay, the event showcased local environmental organizations working to improve the health of the Sarasota Bay area ...
Sam and Rosario Maceo were known for bootlegging, gambling rings, and other crimes in Galveston between the 1920s and ...
Martin Gallivan’s radiocarbon dating project, supported by the Arts & Sciences Faculty Grants Fund, will make a critical ...
A high pressure system lies to the east of Tasmania. A weak cold front moves over the state from the west on Wednesday, followed by a ridge of high pressure. Another high pressure system moves over ...
Here is a live view of Oakland from KTVU's rooftop camera along the Oakland Estuary in Jack London Square.
Environmental and Ocean Sciences at USD is a research-oriented department, offering undergraduate and graduate programs, with numerous opportunities in the field alongside passionate and engaged ...
Figure 3. Global abundance and distribution of magroviruses. Heatmap shows the magroviral vOTUs with max RPKM value above 0.9. Abbreviations of sampling areas: CPS, Caspian Sea; PRE, Pearl River ...