The longest word to feature in the English dictionary is pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis at 45 letters, which refers to a lung disease, which is caused only by inhaling silica particles ...
Fr Patrick Dinneen – he of what the Taoiseach called the “gold standard” Irish-English dictionary – was mercilessly lampooned ...
Whether they call into question the efficiency of language or the ethics of authorship regarding AI, word frequencies serve ...
Every Spelling Bee puzzle is hand-curated with a wide-ranging audience in mind. Is there a word you want to see included in ...
Moreover, this page offers makafat e amal word synonyms, which can help further enhance the understanding of the term. In addition to makafat e amal, this online dictionary offers the meaning of other ...
Why English makes the US stronger
It’s no disrespect to speakers of, say, Tagalog to enforce English as our predominant language — and not learning it excludes them from the mainstream of American life.
Two Tennessee Republicans have proposed a bill requiring all driver's license tests to be administered in English only. The bill would also ban the use of translation dictionaries, electronic ...
Bored of quarantine, I decided to spend the week memorizing the dictionary to learn Spanish. I’ve done lots of language ...
Ever wondered why certain letters in the English language seem to pop up everywhere? Why your word game strategy revolves around the mighty letter E — or why some letters, like Z, feel like they ...
Over the course of the last several weeks, over 100 third-grade students in local elementary schools were visited by Richard ...
With eight million views and nearly two lakh likes, the video didn’t sit well with many Indian users, who criticised the ...