Tables notes: Customer results based on a September-October 2024 online survey of 11,984 energy customers among the general public. Customer score: based on satisfaction and likelihood to recommend.
OVERALL, 51% OF GRANITE STATERS POLLED SAID THEY DISAPPROVE OF THE PRESIDENT’S JOB PERFORMANCE SO FAR. A University of New Hampshire Survey Center poll is giving some insight on how Granite ...
These documents provide data on response rates and other quality-related issues for the Labour Force Survey (LFS), including breakdowns of response by LFS wave, region and by question-specific ...
This is according to a Ricoh North America survey of more than 2,000 employees that sought to find out what drives employee retention. Fulfillment is an often-overlooked factor employers should ...
Of all the responses for Delaware, teachers most needed a pay raise. The survey found that Americans believe teachers should earn an additional $17,344 per year. In Delaware, respondents increased ...