At this time the patient underwent surgery, which confirmed rupture at the hysterotomy scar and dissection down the round ligament. Evacuation of the haematoma, hysterotomy repair and removal of the ...
Risk factors include previous ectopic pregnancy, a history of pelvic inflammatory disease, tubal surgery, and cigarette smoking. The diagnosis is most commonly made by means of transvaginal ...
When I awoke from surgery, my first question was whether the doctors had removed my tube. To my horror, I was told that my tube had been destroyed by the ectopic pregnancy. I also had a great deal of ...
A mother who was told by doctors to terminate her pregnancy has given birth to the baby girl doctors wanted her to abort. Alex Gooding, 33, from Arizona, experienced a rare cesarean-section scar ...
Alex had a caesarean section ectopic pregnancy (CSEP) – the rarest type – where very few pregnancies survive. It means the embryo has implanted in the scar ... a four hour surgery to have ...
“Obviously, I’m devastated,” Stacey added. “I’m absolutely heartbroken. I’m a dance teacher and have been for over 20 years. ...
Fame from birth, family, love for Mirko Gancitano, and the issues of her son Noah. These were the themes of Guenda Goria's ...
They will also confirm whether or not the pregnancy is ectopic. If it is, a health professional may need to perform surgery or prescribe medication to terminate the pregnancy. If they prescribe ...
Fame from birth, family, love for Mirko Gancitano, and the problems of her son Noah. These were the themes of Guenda Goria's ...
An exploratory laparotomy, also known as a celiotomy or "ex lap," is a type of major surgery that involves opening the abdomen with a large incision in order to visualize the entire abdominal cavity.
For many women, the psychological anguish of losing a baby takes much longer to heal than the physical scars. An ectopic pregnancy can also make it much more difficult for a woman to conceive ...