Over 1,680 of India’s approximately 1,750 GCCs house ER&D services, with a sizeable percent of the top 50 global engineering service providers headquartered in India.
The country’s private sector businesses have urged for deferring Bangladesh’s LDC graduation for at least 2 to 3 years, considering the prevailing global and local economic challenges, including a ...
Bangladesh’s economy is still going through various challenges and amid these challenges Bangladesh is going to graduate from LDC in 2026, says DCCI President Taskeen Ahmed ...
The delegation headed by Abdul Moyeen Khan, a senior leader of the opposition Bangladesh National Party (BNP), visited China ...
Bangladesh has convinced India to overhaul the operation of the line of credits to implement projects here for the best of ...
The delegation headed by Abdul Moyeen Khan, a senior leader of the opposition Bangladesh National Party, visited China at the ...