President Murmu shared on her official X account, "On the auspicious occasion of Durga Puja, I extend my warm greetings and best wishes to all Indians in India and abroad." The iconic 80-year-old ...
Kolkata: Durga Puja was the most democratic celebration of art and spirituality that he ever witnessed, said US ambassador to India Eric Garcetti, who plans to stay on in India till June ...
Some University students were reminded Sunday of the taste of their childhood. For the first time since they came to the United States, approximately 100 students, many from Bengal (east India), were ...
Saraswati Puja, dedicated to the goddess of knowledge and arts, is celebrated across India with rituals like setting up an altar, wearing yellow, and performing puja. It primarily occurs on ...
What is the domestic current LPG price in Howrah? Today, January 29, 2025, the domestic LPG price in Howrah is ₹830.50 for a 14.2 kg cylinder and ₹310.00 for a 5 kg cylinder. What is the ...