Harnesses are safer and more secure than simple collars, reduce choking and give you, the owner, more control. Here's a guide ...
Grab a dog walking map at our entrance so you are prepared for the best places to get water, dog treats, waste bins and complimentary biodegradable waste bags. If you forget your short dog lead, you ...
Baylee And Nellie were featured Thursday, December 26 during KTIV’s Dog Walk Forecast.
Community protection experts have warned dog owners to do this one thing before taking their dog out for a walk, or risk £100 ...
Some dogs are reactive, and others could brush up on leash training, but once you've stayed consistent with obedience training and positive reinforcement, you can enjoy peaceful daily walks with a ...
It was raining hard, I... RANT to the dog walker who put an open bag of dog waste into my empty trash receptacle. I am not one of those neighbors... RANT AND RAVE Rave to drivers who pay their ...
Dog owners could be fined for not carrying a very useful item while out on a walk, with a new change in regulations making it ...
Network Rail has deployed staff to the Crufts dog show, to give information and advice about safety at level crossings.
FINES of up to £100 have been handed out to dog walkers in West Cumbria- as the council work to 'crack down' on 'irresponsible dog owners' in ...
Railway safety teams have returned to Crufts to help competitors, visitors, and their four-legged friends stay safe at level ...
You've got money to spend and pets to spoil — here's everything that you *and* your fur baby need. View Entire Post › ...
Dog fouling is regularly found on paths and grassy areas around the school where pupils play and walk to and from school.