Some treatments also have safety warnings for dogs with a history of seizures or other neurologic disorders. As you evaluate flea and tick medicines, check the label to ensure it's safe for your dog.
Dog owners have been warned to keep their pets on leads around lakes and rivers as we approach British Summertime due to a ...
Vet Amir Anwary, who is known as amirthevet on social media, has warned pet owners to be careful with these fruit and ...
And all I have is my dog to prove that he kissed Batman.” Scout, who Blair jokes is “the best boyfriend, strictly platonic,” helps her manage symptoms of her Multiple Sclerosis (MS), a ...
Dissociative identity disorder (DID) treatment involves a combination of different therapies, psychiatric medications, and coping strategies. Previously known as multiple personality disorder or split ...
Your symptoms must persist for at least six months, either continually or regularly. As such, the diagnosis of conversion disorder may require the participation of a psychiatrist or psychologist as ...
significantly reduce symptoms of depression and anxiety in older adults, offering a powerful alternative to traditional treatments. The ...
Pet owner Matt Ezyk of Myrtle Beach, South Carolina, experienced this when he noticed his senior dog Jack was lethargic and not eating or drinking much. “The diagnosis was devastating—late ...