(原标题:VR×GBA | From Mazu to the World: The Man Who Carved the City) ...
Catarina Cottinelli da Costa, a Portuguese artist who has lived in Macao for over six years, has been enjoying the unique blend of culture of Macao and appreciated the city's preservation efforts.
国家移民管理局今天(12月17日)发布公告,12月17日起全面放宽优化过境免签政策:将过境免签外国人在境内停留时间由原72小时和144小时均延长为240小时(10天),同时新增21个口岸为过境免签人员入出境口岸,(新增后共计60个)并进一步扩大停留活 ...
To cater to people's new-found interest in culture, China registered 268 new museums in 2023, bringing the total number of museums in the country to 6,833. More than 90 percent of these museums offer ...
"Hearing the announcer introduce athletes from so many ethnic groups, including Han people, gave me a strong sense of unity," ...
赛尔达·阿尔坦通过研究中文、法文和英文档案中记载的铁路沿线工人日常斗争和劳资冲突,提出在中国共产党在20世纪20年代将中国工人定义为革命运动先锋之前很久,现代意义上的中国工人形象就已经在19世纪末帝国与民族的交汇中诞生。滇越铁路工人以其对全球化资本主 ...
2024年12月5日,由全球化智库(CCG)主办,当代中国与世界研究院支持的2024年“国际青年领袖对话”年度论坛在北京成功举办。本次论坛主题为“前瞻思维,开创未来(Forward Thinking the Way ...
Macao has experienced remarkable transformation over the past 25 years under the "one country, two systems" policy, which ...
【星岛都市网】安省省议员柯文彬成功推动183号法案,宣布每年二月份为“中华文化传统月”,彰显华裔社区贡献与多元文化价值。 2024年12月12日(星期四),安省省议员柯文彬(Vincent Ke)在省议会和共同发起人(co sponser)白必勤 (Aris Babikian) 成功推动183号私人法案通过三读。该法案旨在将每年二月份定为“中华文化传统月” ...
The "Water Forest" is located in the ecological conservation area of Qingxi Country Park, covering more than 60 acres, ...
Path Seekers 问道中国⑤|运河水道:千年滋养 源远流长,运河,大运河,苏州,古纤道,水道,古城 ...