How do you know if you are digitally literate? Diigo provides numerous self-assessments for both teachers and students to test their digital literacy. Most jobs require a level of digital awareness, ...
此外,定期清理无用的书签也是至关重要,去除过期链接能够保持收藏夹的整洁。 随着信息技术的发展,许多在线书签服务应运而生,例如Pocket、Diigo和Pinboard。Pocket允许用户跨设备同步网页,便于随时访问;Diigo不仅可以收藏网址,还能进行注释和高亮 ...
Diigo is the ultimate social bookmarking site for academic types. Educators, students, researchers, and anyone with an inquisitive mind love the features that make keeping track of their resources ...
另外,Diigo允许用户对网页进行注释和高亮,使得信息管理更加动态。而Pinboard则更注重简单易用,适合追求简约的用户。使用这些在线服务 ...