Also known as dumb cane, dieffenbachia is a tropical perennial that can reach up to eight feet in height when kept as a ...
它们的平均寿命为 35~52 岁,有的甚至活成“百岁老鳗”。与许多其他鱼类相比,这些体形庞大的长寿鱼类生长较为缓慢,新西兰长鳍鳗每年只增长 15~25 毫米。不过,栖息地类型、水温、种群密度、所处年龄和食物供应等因素,都会影响它们的体形大小和生长速度 ...
在自己的淡水家园里,长鳍鳗会生活几十年甚至是一百年,直到听到繁殖的召唤。 当它们准备迁徙到产卵地时,它们就会开始“变身” ,例如头部会变得更加细长,仿佛一颗子弹,眼睛也会变大,以便在弱光下有更好的视力,腹部会变成银色,好让自己在捕食者面前更隐身。
"Outside water bowls should be checked at least twice a day for ice, or better yet, a pet-friendly heated water bowl should ...
I have picked out a couple of hanging plants to grow from your suggestions. Now I’m bold enough to try some upright plants, if you will give me some suggestions.
文章来源|把科学带回家(ID:steamforkids)撰文 | Cloud审校|阿娴这种被称作“河怪”的鱼,你知道是什么吗?图源:NZTODAY RV Lifestyle这是新西兰长鳍鳗,是新西兰特有的一种淡水鳗鱼。英文名是New Zealand ...
While I’ve seen these plants at other garden centers, what stood out to me about Costco’s offerings (which are all from Costa ...
All parts of this plant, including its flowers and leaves, contain poisonous compounds that can be fatal if ingested.
Cast irons are low-light plants that can survive almost anywhere in your home. They are slow to grow, but also really hard to kill. The only requirement is to keep them away from direct sunlight in ...
Whether you're in a small space or working with a small budget, a few DIY desk ideas may be just what you need to create a ...
Consider adding houseplants to those areas of your home that don't get as much sunlight. Check out our recommendations for greenery with low light needs.