There are two types of microscopes available: simple and compound microscopes. A simple microscope has one lens, but a compound microscope has both an eyepiece and an objective lens. Different ...
quiver is a modern, graphical editor for commutative and pasting diagrams, capable of rendering high-quality diagrams for screen viewing, and exporting to LaTeX via tikz-cd. Creating and modifying ...
The synchronization function of quantum memories can be employed to connect multiple short-distance entanglement into long-distance entanglement, so that to effectively overcome the transmission ...
Intel’s Pentium processor was a marvel of technological progress. Its floating point unit (FPU) was a big improvement over its predecessors that still used the venerable ...
What is a microorganism? Microorganisms are very tiny living things. They are so small that you need a microscope to see them. How do ecosystems work? Learn more about ecosystems and how they work.
This case report focuses on the particular cutaneous finding of silvery hair in this patient and its examination under a microscope that reveals an unusual and not yet reported ... investigation ...