仅供医学专业人士阅读参考循证用药,合理用药。地塞米松属于长效糖皮质激素类药物,具有抗炎、抗过敏、抗休克和抑制免疫等多种药理作用,在临床上广泛用于治疗过敏性疾病、自身免疫性疾病、各种休克、血液系统疾病等[1]。然而,通过临床实践可发现,本品亦可引起过敏反应。别着急,我们接着往下看。抗过敏却致敏?本品常见 ...
making 1% or more of the HA nonionized form (e.g., phenytoin sodium in 5% dextrose injection). The pH values of -ium or -ium and -ate salt injections are usually greater, less acidic, or more ...
2005;62(23):2410-2412. To increase the flexibility in preparation time and storage and decrease waste after reconstituting pantoprazole sodium for injection, it would be desirable to have a longer ...
Lipotropic injections contain vitamins and nutrients that some people believe may support weight loss. Side effects can vary based on the ingredients of the injection. Lipotropic injections are ...