Addressing the air domain gap requires a collaborative approach between security professionals and communications experts.
"This alliance marks a significant milestone for Sidus Space as we work alongside Warpspace to advance space innovation in technology, AI and optical communication systems," said Carol Craig, Founder ...
Nigeria and Jamaica are considering the establishment of a direct flight route as part of efforts to enhance air connectivity.
I love District 15 and living in Palatine! We have raised our five children in this district for the past 18 years and I am ...
Korean researchers have succeeded in developing a core wired network technology that enables remote conferences, ...
U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development Secretary Scott Turner stated that the draft action plan for the $225 ...
Learn more about the candidates running for the Place 2 seat on Frisco's City Council ahead of the May 3 election.
Discover the latest developments in dental AI as two faculty members from University at Buffalo's School of Dental Medicine receive seed grants.
A new provision allows fast-growing Jersey Township in to bypass the county planning process and work with New Albany for ...
Marin Transit is under a state mandate to electrify its fleet by 2040. That means that 100% of new bus purchases must be zero ...
The Regional Government of Madrid is strengthening its commitment to quantum communications with an investment of 16 million euros in research projects on quantum communications and cybersecurity ...
Hooters of America and some of its creditors are considering a potential bankruptcy plan that would see control of the brand returned to former executives and the one-time parent of the chain ...