According to scientists from the University of Portsmouth, water first formed in the debris of supernova explosions 100 to ...
Researchers from University of Portsmouth have traced the origins of water to supernova explosions in early universe, ...
Simulated stellar explosions show that massive early stars could have created plentiful water for future stars and planets to ...
Astronomers have detected mysterious X-ray signals coming from a nearby white dwarf star for more than 40 years. We may now ...
British researchers have found the key ingredient to life, water, might have been on Earth billions of years earlier than ...
A curious connection between an ancient supernova and virus diversification in one of Earth's biggest lakes means that crazy ...
Water may have formed less than 200 million years after the Big Bang, suggesting some conditions for life existed far earlier than previously thought.
Water might have formed much earlier than previously thought. Computer simulations show supernovae produced significant ...
New simulations suggest that habitable worlds could have begun forming only 200 million years after the big bang ...
Radiation from an exploding star may have had a profound effect on the evolution of life on Earth, a new study suggests. About 2.5 million years ago, the viruses infecting fish in Africa"s Lake ...