The Bengaluru police have directed Kannada film actor and murder accused Darshan Thoogudeepa to deposit his licensed firearm at the nearest police station. However, the Kannada actor has yet to comply ...
Josephine Solanki is a project officer with the War and Pacification Programme at the Transnational Institute, a progressive think tank based in the N... more etherlands.
Darshan Nalkande’s brilliant spell (six for 55 ... the fifth wicket ensured Vidarbha cruises to the target and receives a healthy boost to its Net Run Rate. READ: Vijay Hazare Trophy: Vishnu Solanki’s ...
Shalini Passi and Darshan have teamed up for an unexpected duet on Netflix; people can’t seem to decide whether it's a holiday hit or just hilariously confusing Shalini Passi is back on Netflix ...
Tirupati: Tirumala Tirupati Devasthanams (TTD) has announced that the Vaikunta Dwara Darshan of Lord Venkateswara at the Tirumala Temple for common devotees will commence at 8 a.m. on Friday ...