This last summer has seen a number of ZB talkback listeners complaining about scarlet runner beans mis-behaving. Two main types of troubles were reported: 1) suddenly no more bean pods were growing ...
Hyaluronidase naturally degrades hyaluronic acid, leading to issues with cells that produce myelin (the protective sheath ...
Half-fill a 2 to 3 litre pot with peat-free compost. Position the tuber in the container, keeping the central stem upwards, ...
"Gardeners are about to enter the spring season (March 20), so now is the time to plan for the blooms during the summer ...
Planting summer bulbs in spring means enjoying beautiful colour right until early autumn. Here's your guide to planting ...
Sunshapers outdoor gerberas These long flowering daisies are hybrids of our indigenous Barberton daisies. Unlike other ...
Hellebore cultivars provide interest from the darkest days of winter into the new growing year, writes Paul Maher.
Spring bulbs, air plants, strawberries and more all feature in the latest column from Tele gardening expert George Irvine.
Pruning Flowering Shrubs: 1-2:30 p.m. Learn the basic cuts through a hands-on demonstration of pruning rhododendrons and ...
The Food Network star, 56, shared a video of her garden in Pawhuska, Okla., on Sunday, March 2. “Ready to do this again!” the ...