LiDAR, or Light Detection and Ranging, is a remote sensing technology that uses light in the form of a pulsed laser to measure ranges (or variable distances) of a sensor, usually mounted aboard an ...
Star Wars Mouse Droid designed to entertain people at a party. Completely 3D printed and the droids software is built on ROS2 Humble.
与此同时,为了解锁PC的出色性能,DIY装备也成为了玩家们重点关注的对象。对此,小编带来了全新“ROG三神套装”:ROG RYUJIN龙神3代360 ARGB水冷散热器、ROG THOR雷神3代氮化镓1600W电 近日,法国巴黎的Pathé Palace影院顺利安装了六套三星Onyx LED电影屏,连同影院大厅 ...