Affectionately known as the “leaf sheep” or the “Shaun-the-sheep slug,” this little animal-plant hybrid is a unique specimen, indeed. At first glance, this tiny sea slug—measuring just a ...
Cone snails are marine animals with a powerful venomous sting. When cone snails feel threatened or disturbed, they can inject venom into their prey (or humans.) This venom consists of various ...
This parasitic worm has commandeered the snail’s body, turning it into a zombified puppet in a sinister ecological play. Leucochloridium, commonly known as the green-banded broodsac, is a parasitic ...
They appear cute as they have big, round eyes and a small ... While most dolphins are friendly, intelligent, and playful creatures, they are also wild animals and can be unpredictable. They can ...
Several groups of conservationists banded together to restore a snail species thought to be extinct in the wild — and their efforts are yielding good results, as Smithsonian Magazine reported. The ...