Vadodara: Villagers staying along the Orsang River in Dabhoi are terrified to even venture near the river over the last one ...
At least 50 crocodile enclosures will be built across the country,” she said. She added: “We have designated areas for the ...
However, Picking countered: “Our crocodiles are more likely to flee at the sight of humans than attack… They primarily feed ...
Rising attacks on humans have put Andaman's saltwater crocodiles at the center of a clash between conservationists and the ...
Nikanor Nangolo As water levels rise in the Kavango River, residents of both Kavango East and Kavango West regions have been urged to exercise extreme caution while fetching water, fishing, or washing ...
PROBLEMS of water availability in Dar es Salaam have been resolved following repairs to the Upper Ruvu water treatment plant, ...
Watch the incredible strategy of hunter and prey as a group of buffalos fend off a hungry pride of lions looking for a meal!
Each year across Ohio, dangerous dogs attack, maim and sometimes kill people. State law does little to hold owners ...
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