Like a crown jewel, a hummingbird nest is one of the great wonders in all of nature. They are so tiny, so perfect. Yet, few of us have ever seen a hummingbird nest. This is because they are nearly ...
Of the 366 species and 112 genera of hummingbirds living in the western hemisphere, fewer than two dozen types migrate to the ...
This video showcases a wild Costas's Hummingbird (Calypte Costae) perched on a tree against a neutral background. Female Costa's Hummingbird - Calypte costae a hummingbird feeds on wildflower pollen ...
While some hummingbirds are residents of California all year, others may only be seen for certain periods of time, if you're ...
Avid birders in the area reported seeing a Costa’s hummingbird near a Springfield park this winter. Laura Johnson and John Sullivan first spotted the tiny and colorful bird on Jan. 5 while ...