Results: Radiographic findings in the goalkeepers were osteophyte formation in 67%, loose bodies in 5.5% ... The medial joint space, the distance between the trochlea of the humerus and the ulnar ...
Artificial Intelligence (AI) could become a radiologist's best friend, with researchers training the technology to accurately diagnose pneumonia, COVID-19 and other lung diseases. Researchers at ...
Dr T Boegård, Department of Diagnostic Radiology, County Hospital, S-251 87 Helsingborg, Sweden. OBJECTIVE To assess the correlation between radiographically diagnosed osteophytes in the axial and ...
OBJECTIVE To test the hypothesis that enthesophyte formation and osteophyte growth are positively associated and to look for associations between bone formation at different sites on the skeleton so ...
Osteoarthritis (OA) is a degenerative disease where bone erosion occurs, leading to rough joint surfaces and reduced joint space due to osteophyte formation. Commonly affected areas include the ...
This leads to the onset of referred pain to different parts of the body depending on which spinal nerve is "pinched." The progressive damage can stimulate the growth of bony projections called ...
By definition, the lumbar disc spaces should increase in height in the cranial to caudal direction, except disc L5–S1, which normally is smaller than disc L4–L5. Osteophytes, in the spine also called ...
Ankle arthritis is a condition in which the cartilage of the ankle joint deteriorates, causing pain and restricting movement. Progressive arthritis can lead to bone cysts and the formation of bone ...