Adult monarch butterflies are large with bright orange wings, white spots and black veins and boarder. The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service is recommending federal protections for the species as factors ...
18, 2024 — Different species of seabirds can coexist on small, isolated islands despite eating the same kind of fish. A researcher has been involved in developing a mathematical model that can ...
After a decade of legal maneuvering, the eastern hellbender, a salamander known to reside in a number of cool, clear West Virginia streams, is now being proposed for Endangered Species Act protection ...
The species studied included fish, decapod crustaceans — such as crabs, crayfishes and shrimps — and odonates, such as dragonflies and damsel flies. About 24% of those species are at risk of ...
The Lufubu River fish turned out to be subtly but consistently distinct from other known species. Researchers realized they’d discovered a new species: Telmatochromis salzburgeri, or Salzburg ...
(Photo courtesy of IRBS) Name a fish in one of the Illinois river systems and Kevin Irons has studied it and – at least in the past two dozen or so years, shaken his head at it. Invasive carp were a ...
As we assisted citizens with their Townships, Villages, Library Districts, Park Districts, Municipalities and other local governments throughout the state of Illinois, the same battle cry was echoed .
The team found that in zebrafish, ketamine alters this circuit in a way that causes the fish to persevere in the face of adversity rather than becoming passive. This resilience appears linked to brain ...