Do not flush wipes. Experts say doing so can cause problems for fresh water, marine life, your plumbing, and more.
If you notice any of these wood-chewing creatures, or signs of their activities, it’s important to deal with them immediately ...
The Greater Water Authority’s insurance carrier and Snyder Environmental Services have offered $30,000 to settle a lawsuit of a family who said their home was flooded due to the backup of a public ...
A maintenance operation at Kahnawake’s sewage treatment plant this week saw more sewage than expected discharged into the St.
A maintenance operation at Kahnawake’s sewage treatment plant this week saw more sewage than expected discharged into the St.
Q: For the past several years, we’ve had ongoing problems with our old clay sewer main. The line has to be rooted every few months, and the cost to install a new line would be about $15,000. Why is ...
The number of houses experiencing sewage backups and flooding after a contractor for the City of Victoria relined a number of sewer mains has grown to at least eight. The Times Colonist reported ...
In response to growing public concern over frequent sewer blockages, the Bulawayo City Council (BCC) has launched an extensive programme aimed at clearing the city's clogged sewer pipes ...
Carolina Water Service Inc. of N.C. recently had an accidental discharge of an estimated 200,000 gallons of untreated wastewater from its collection system because of a blocked sewer main.
Deborah Witzburg, Chicago’s Inspector General, joins Lisa Dent to discuss her department’s report finding that many of Chicago’s drinking water mains are too close to sewer lines, which could lead to ...
The project involves three important infrastructure improvements: installation of new local storm sewers construction of a large storm trunk sewer (main tunnel), and installation of inlet control ...