这个阅读器使用 vite + vue + typescript 构建,是一个完全的前端项目。
干净阅读 是一款小说阅读应用,使用 Windows App SDK 开发,是原生的 Windows 应用,支持 Windows 11 系统。适合喜欢阅读网文,或者本地轻量阅读的用户。 新版的干净阅读为了尽可能完善地支持本地阅读,使用了最新的 Windows App SDK,默认以 runFullTrust 权限运行。该权限 ...
There are two structures on the surface of a disc to be aware of: pits and lands. Pits are divots in the structure and lands are the spaces between the divots. When the laser of the reader strikes the ...
As Christmas nears, New York Times journalists send dispatches from places like Santa Claus, Ind., and North Pole, N.Y. By John Otis L.B. Sullivan sued The New York Times over a civil rights ...
The Switch has been an enormous success — it’s the third-best-selling console of all time, behind only the PlayStation ...
In what might have been unintended wisdom, The Baltimore Sun answered its own question on why Maryland is not economically competitive with neighboring states on the same page (“Maryland ...
Then I saw a Facebook post calling for volunteers to clean people’s homes in the kibbutzim that had been invaded by Hamas on Oct. 7. I signed up immediately. This, I thought, was something I ...
Please ditch the Q-tips and stick with safer methods of cleaning your ears. Here’s everything you need to know. Luke Daugherty is a freelance writer, editor and former operations manager.
And Samsung stopped making new Blu-ray players in 2019. Video game consoles don’t even automatically include disc readers like they used too. The features are optional for PlayStation 5 and Xbox ...
The Clean Development Mechanism (CDM), defined in Article 12 of the Protocol, allows a country with an emission-reduction or emission-limitation commitment under the Kyoto Protocol (Annex B Party) to ...
However, there are some simple dietary changes you can make to improve your bowel health. You can safely clean out your bowels (also known as cleaning out your colon, or large intestine) at home by ...