SHOPPERS are rushing to fill their trolleys with laundry and cleaning essentials scanning for just 65p each in a massive sale. Retail giant Poundstretcher are running an in-store promotion that ...
But now, there are detergent sheets like Clean People Laundry Detergent Sheets. Switching to this product can make laundry day easier, and here’s why. Safer Ingredients, Cleaner Clothes ...
The Gauteng Department of Health would like to reassure the public that several measures continue to be implemented to ensure the provision of clean linen to patients at Chris Hani Baragwanath ...
Whether you’re eyeing sustainable clothing brands or clean makeup, there are plenty of ways to improve the world, including buying the best natural laundry detergent. So, cherry-picking products ...
Five hospital sites accounted for almost half of all patients who waited on trolleys in the first nine months of last year, according to the Department of Health secretary general. In a letter to ...
Featured pricing is subject to change. As one of the staple house cleaning products to have on hand at all times, the best laundry detergents are one of those things you just pick up and don’t ...
There are 22 people waiting on trolleys in University Hospital Kerry today. That’s according to figures from the Irish Nurses’ and Midwives’ Organisation. They show there are 15 people on trolleys in ...
23 people have been admitted to University Hospital Kerry without a bed to accommodate them. Figures published by the Irish Nurses and Midwives Organisation's TrolleyWatch show 15 patients are on ...
The high figures of those waiting for beds in Mayo University Hospital (MUH) are showing little sign of slowing down according to the latest INMO ‘Trolley Watch’ figures. Last week, the figures sat at ...
A clinical nurse manager failed to call an ambulance for a patient who had swallowed cleaning fluid at a Dublin hospital, a Nursing and Midwifery Board Fitness to Practise Inquiry has been told.
Despite rigorous cleaning, dangerous bacteria are lurking in hospital sink drains leading to a rise in “health-care-associated infections” (HAI), according to a study. HAIs thrive in patients with ...
The Hospital Employees’ Union opposed the outsourcing ... Pattison says less than 0.0002 per cent of clean linen shipped to IH facilities have been returned. A call to Ecotex Healthcare Linen ...