A hilarious sketch from the classic British show "Hale and Pace" shows why cats aren't the best choice as guides for the ...
Doechii is gearing up to drop her rumored Comedy Central show, Denial Is a River, on Jan. 2, and she continued the rollout on New Year’s Eve (Dec. 31) by releasing another comedy sketch.
Never give up, never surrender… As the classic sci-fi comedy clocks up a quarter-century, we look back at a movie that ...
While celebrations heralding the New Year are everywhere, one of the unfortunate aspects of entertainment journalism is the need to look back at the year that was, particularly the celebrities and ...
Now John Tiffany, the magician director of the Harry Potter plays, aims to sprinkle the star-making dust over the stage ...
How are you planning to celebrate New Year’s this year? A quiet evening with the kids? The Polar Plunge? (Starts at noon at ...
From Spain's grape-eating tradition to Italy's lucky red underwear, Euronews staff share how they like to see the new year in ...