Take Bridge Pose and chest opener, for example. These poses work wonders to counteract the effects of sitting all day. The Bridge Pose helps open up the hips and stretch the lower back, while the ...
The Surya Namaskar sequence begins with a prayer pose (Pranamasana) and moves through forward bends, lunges, planks, and gentle backbends, finishing by returning to the standing position.
Boat pose is one of those yoga moves that’s as hard as it looks…if not harder. The exercise—which involves balancing on your butt while you reach your arms forward and extend your legs ...
Maybe you swap out your usual Forearm Plank for Chaturanga or replace V-ups or toe-touch sit-ups with Boat Pose. Cat–Cow is a dynamic exercise that mobilizes the entire spine, which is often ...
In the clip the woman, donning a blue jacket and turquoise helmet, can be heard labelling them 'totally s*** skiers with toilet seat posture' and 'dangerous to other people'. She goes on to say 'if ...
That said, certain types of office chairs will make it easier for you to maintain a healthy posture while you work, regardless of body type or personal preferences. To help find the right one for ...
An advert by fashion brand Next has been banned because the model's pose and the camera angle gave the impression she was "unhealthily thin". The Advertising Standards Authority (ASA) compared the ...
Ditto if you’re looking at your phone right now. Most of us spend the majority of the time like this, which can mess with posture big time. Upper back stretching isn’t a cure-all for the hunch ...
Do your wrists ache from endless scrolling or typing? Most of us don’t think about posture until something starts to hurt. But as a massage therapist with more than 20 years of experience ...