Often the surgeon will simply remove the entire tumor and then have a sample of tissue examined. Once your doctor makes a diagnosis of kidney cancer, you may need other tests to tell if the cancer ...
Your kidney function test results are a measure of how well your kidneys are working to filter your blood and remove excess water and waste from the body. For example, the estimated glomerular ...
Scar tissue forms when a wound heals but is different from skin tissue. For example, it is less elastic, leading to tightness, limited movement, and pain. Exercise, moisturizing, and other home ...
Kidney infections (pyelonephritis) can occur when bacteria from the urinary tract travel up the urethra and affect one or both kidneys. Sometimes, the bacteria that cause kidney, or renal ...
Rivers and Ward 1 reported the propagation of louping-ill virus in a Maitland-type culture of chick embryo tissue ... agent in monolayer culture of pig kidney.
Knowing the difference between kidney pain vs. back pain can be difficult because problems with the kidneys may cause dull or sharp pains on the side or along the back. The location of the discomfort, ...
Kidney stones are pebble-sized deposits that form when there’s too much salt and minerals in your urine. Learn whether men or women are more at risk, what passing one feels like, and how big ...
Further experimental research found that when human—derived aortic smooth muscle cells are stimulated by interferon—γ, knocking down the RSAD2 gene will lead to a decrease in the expression and ...
Here the authors show, using mouse kidney allograft rejection models, that Tfr suppresses the production of pro-inflammatory cytokines and alloreactive antibodies from alloreactive B cells to ...
The structural and functional integrity of glomerular cells is critical for maintaining normal kidney function. Glomerular diseases, which involve chronic histological damage to the kidney, are ...