去年年底,通用汽车暂停了无人驾驶出租车团队的运营,因为公司旗下的一辆无人驾驶出租者发生了事故,撞到一名女性行人并将其拖行了20英尺。监管机构指控该公司隐瞒了事故的重要细节,这导致Cruise主动停止车辆运营。迄今为止,通用汽车一直表示仍然致力于重新启动无人驾驶出租车业务,并且已经在休斯顿和其他城市重新测试其车队。(财富中文网) ...
China's foreign trade of goods increased by 4.9 percent year-on-year to reach 39.79 trillion yuan ($5.49 trillion) in the ...
FUZHOU, Nov. 26 (Xinhua) — China has built more than 9,100 intangible cultural heritage workshops nationwide, spanning over 1,721 county-level areas, according to a meeting held by the Ministry of ...
Please explain this sentence, with “bend your ear” in particular: He’ll bend your ear talking about politics, I warn you. If ...
豪掷6.6亿杀入量贩零食赛道,三只松鼠能否实现“三分天下”?Investing 660 million yuan, can Three Squirrels achieve "a three-way split"?作者:原牧楠 ...