are associated with elevated brain atrophy and future dementia risk. While some associations did not hold up after multiple testing corrections, the overall pattern suggests a link between ...
The Tsimané people boast the “healthiest hearts on the planet” and brains that age far more slowly than their Western ...
Risk factors for prestroke dementia (and, hence, poststroke dementia) included medial temporal lobe atrophy ... have a lesion in the hippocampus—a brain structure that has a key role in memory.
In turn, most of these infections associated with brain atrophy seem to be risk factors for dementia, according to the ...
No single food on its own reduced the risk of dementia, Shannon says ... a Mediterranean diet might help slow the rate of brain atrophy [degeneration] over time,” Shannon says.
And now, it has been suggested that Alzheimer's may not be a brain disease after all. Science magazine reported in July 2022 that a key research paper published in the journal Nature that identified a ...
Researchers identify associations between B12 levels currently accepted as normal and markers of neurological injury or ...
Repeated sessions of electrical stimulation to brain networks associated with memory improved verbal learning in some ...
dementia with Lewy bodies, and Creutzfeldt–Jakob disease, and can aid differential diagnosis Whole-brain and hippocampal atrophy rates are sensitive markers of progression of neurodegeneration ...
Structural imaging based on magnetic resonance is an integral part of the clinical assessment of patients with suspected Alzheimer dementia ... of whole-brain and hippocampal atrophy are sensitive ...
Jennifer Yokoyama is a geneticist and neuroscientist interested in how genomic variation contributes to brain structure ... Frontotemporal Dementia, Posterior Cortical Atrophy, typical and ...