12月15日,越南退伍军人协会柏林-勃兰登堡分会在德国隆重举行纪念活动,庆祝越南人民军建军80周年、全民国防日35周年以及越南退伍军人协会柏林-勃兰登堡分会成立15周年。 纪念活动现场。图自越通社 ...
Police K-9 Theo has retired after almost five years of service with the Lancaster City Bureau of Police. Theo, a six-year-old German Shepherd originally from the Netherlands joined the Lancaster ...
EDEN CONFIDENTIAL: When Boris Becker married his third wife, Lilian de Carvalho Monteiro, in Italy earlier this year, but conspicuous by their absence were his daughter and son.
Theo Burman is a Newsweek Live News Reporter based in London, U.K. His focus is on U.S. politics and international news, as well as the impact of digital culture on elections. He has covered ...
A group of young stars from Fleetwood’s Barbara Jackson Theatre Arts Centre are set to take to the Opera House stage this ...
12日,国家副主席武氏映春出席了顺化中央医院建院130周年庆典。 国家副主席、中央竞赛奖励委员会第一副主席武氏映春已向顺化中央医院授予奖状。图自越通社 越通社承天顺化省——12日,国家副主席武氏映春出席了顺化中央医院建院130周年庆典。
Also in attendance will be Prof Chris McGuigan, chair of Life Sciences Hub Wales, and life sciences entrepreneur Prof Sir Chris Evans, together with businessman Theo Paphitis, best known for ...