Their affectionate nature has earned them the nickname “hippie chimps,” a fitting label for animals that embrace harmony over violence. Bonobos share 98.7% of their DNA with humans, making them one of ...
We share over ninety-eight percent of our DNA with some species of ... In their native region, Bonobos are extremely endangered due to human activity, particularly poaching and habitat destruction.
A new study sheds light on the role of sexual behavior in apes, which has implications for understanding its evolutionary ...
“Humans share a common ancestor with bonobos, as well as more than 98 per cent of the same DNA, making them our closest living relatives and potentially the perfect role models for improving ...
Scientists analyzed the lengths of regions of Neanderthal DNA in 58 ancient Eurasian genomes of early modern humans and determined that ... Dec. 12, 2024 — Few genomes have been sequenced from ...
Bonobos, one of humanity’s closest relatives, can tell when a human doesn’t know something and steps in to help — a cognitive ability never before identified in nonhuman apes, a study found.
Mar. 3, 2025 — Researchers have shown how a low carbohydrate diet can worsen the DNA-damaging effects of some gut microbes to cause colorectal cancer. The study compared the effects of three ...
Twycross Zoo, Ape Keeper, Anneliese Braidley said: “Humans share a common ancestor with bonobos, as well as more than 98% of the same DNA, making them our closest living relatives and ...
Modern life makes us tired, right? But research from societies in Africa and South America suggests people in the ancient ...
A new Yale study reveals how a class of genetic switches altered genes shared by humans and chimpanzees, and identified more genes that were targeted in the process. Credit: What ...
A new study analyzes sedimentary ancient DNA, or sedaDNA, to provide more context to the comings and goings—both human and animal—of the El Mirón Cave as well as the Red Lady’s ancestry.