Bong Joon Ho‘s upcoming science fiction film, “Mickey 17,” is scheduled to debut in South Korean theaters on Feb. 28, preceding its global release by a week, Warner Bros. Korea said on ...
LIMPOPO – A Modjajiskloof man has been fined R2 000 for smoking a bong with a live cobra inside. Dirk de Jager was identified by the National Senior Inspector of the NSPCA Duán Matthee after a ...
Does Dry January make a difference for your health if you just quit alcohol for a month? Experts say there are benefits to quitting alcohol for a short period, even if you’re a social or moderate ...
However, even if they aren’t for you, they are for a large and growing market of drinkers, particularly those in the 18-24 age group who want to moderate, alternate or just eliminate alcohol ...