Directed by Kim Sung Je, Bogota: City Of The Lost is a crime thriller that follows the journey of Guk Hee, who moves to Bogotá, Colombia, after losing everything in the IMF crisis, hoping to ...
Bogota is a city of sheer contrasts with the perfect combination of old and new and the peaceful and frantic. Bogota includes 20 distinct localities or districts. If you go to Bogota, visiting three ...
Bogota: City of the Lost follows Guk-hee (Joong-ki), a young man fleeing to the titular capital of Colombia with his family after the 1997 Asian financial crisis to build a better life.
COLUMBIA, S.C. (WOLO)– The City of Columbia will hold its annual “Capital City Fireworks” on New Year’s Eve. The fireworks display will begin right after midnight and the best place to ...