Dragon Ball Daima has introduced an all-new Buu, named Majin Kuu. Created by Dr. Arinsu and the Great Witch Marba, Kuu rises ...
Dragon Ball Daima has been making some big waves for the Majin Buu arc as it’s the first real story in the franchise to take ...
In Episode 8 of 'Dragon Ball Daima,' significant revelations about Majin Buu's origins come to light. It is unveiled that the ...
Majin Buu has always been a big figure in Dragon Ball, and Dragon Ball Daima has just made him one of the most important ...
Majin Buu’s lack of a detailed backstory has always been a topic of discussion within the fandom. However, in the new episode, Dragon Ball DAIMA has seized the opportunity to fill in the blanks with ...
This puts everything we know about the Supreme Kai during the Majin Buu arc into question as he has much more experience with Majin Buu’s origin than he realizes. And at the same time ...
Now, in the last chapter, we learned that the origin of Majin Buu is different than what we were told. The eighth episode of “Dragon Ball Daima” changed the story about the origin of Majin Buu ...