At the standard boiling point, hydrogen exists in its thermodynamically preferable para-state. Raman spectroscopy is the ideal analytical technique for monitoring this low-temperature conversion ...
This is the organization for the development of Biotite and many of its extension packages. The governance of the organization is documented here.
I HAVE during the last summer, at Macdonald Physical Laboratory, McGill University, examined the Raman spectra of benzene and toluene under the fairly high dispersion of 4-5 A. per mm. This work ...
Our instrument is especially optimized for fast hyperspectral imaging of complex samples and materials, where a full Raman spectrum is collected at every pixel. This technique, combined with advanced ...
Optical spectroscopy encompasses a wide variety of ... Single-shot single-beam coherent Raman scattering thermometry is developed by using air lasing as a probe. It shows the ability of single ...
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