La grazia concessa da Joe Biden a suo figlio Hunter solleva polemiche tra repubblicani e democratici. La decisione, pur legittima, ha scatenato critiche e sospetti, alimentando teorie sulla protezione ...
一位专家表示:“特朗普的说辞完全不同。” 前总统罗纳德W. 1986年,里根在一次筹款活动上发表讲话。 美国当选总统唐纳德·特朗普(Donald Trump)本周发出的关税威胁波及全球股市,并引发美国零售业高管对价格上涨风险的警告。 前总统乔治W.布什在大选后第 ...
Never mind. He’s about to do something stupid, apparently, and the speaker asks whether there’s somebody who can get a word in his ear to stop him. Here, to get his ear means to get a word in his ear.