Beowulf famously begins with an Old English word that has no direct modern equivalent: "HWAET." J. R. R. Tolkien, in his day ...
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We will also study other Old English works such as Judith, as well as Frankish and Old Norse-Icelandic literature in translation to gain a cultural context for Beowulf. May include discussion of how ...
Lookout: Who are you, strangers? Beowulf: My friend, we are Geats and we come in peace. I am Beowulf and I wish to speak with Hrothgar, your king. Lookout: If you are truly the famous Beowulf then ...
Beowulf, and King Arthur. Amazingly, however, even with Tolkien’s writings taking two adult professional lives to publish, the corpus of Tolkien’s work is still not completely available to the ...
Beowulf has defeated Grendel but now he must battle another monster - Grendel's mother. Ensure you watch the Beowulf episodes to assess suitability before sharing with your group. The Danes and ...