Jellycat and Kasing Lung's Labubu are trending, after earlier toys from artists Kaws and Takashi Murakami, and Bearbrick, ...
马来西亚一名女子通过化妆把自己变成拉布布(Labubu)娃娃的模样,直接把母亲吓得魂飞魄散。网民评论称:“化得非常像,但吓死人了!” 《星洲日报》报道,根据女子苏菲“@sfeashraa”在TikTok的视频,她发布一个化妆教程,灵感来自于她母亲最喜欢的拉布布。
SINGAPORE: It once aspired to be China’s answer to Disney but after a year of explosive growth across Asia, Pop Mart - the company behind the Labubu craze and sell-out Ne Zha 2 movie toy line ...
在公仔玩偶拉布布(Labubu)风靡全城后,下一个值得期待的潮玩IP会是谁?本周路过位于狮城大厦(Plaza Singapura)的泡泡玛特(Pop Mart),广场上轰然立起一个巨型粉色充气装置。追潮玩的人一眼看出,这是“爱哭包”Crybaby。就在刚过去的情人节,泡泡玛特重新 ...
Like and share our Facebook posts to support the KAMI team! Share your thoughts in the comments. We love reading them! Based on the snapshots from the event, the party’s theme was inspired by Labubu.
No hurdles can stop Rufa Mae Quinto from being a present mom to her daughter Athena, who celebrated her 8th birthday in a Labubu party the actress organized. Quinto gave a glimpse of Athena’s ...
Labubu造型很受少年及儿童喜爱。 拥有超过3万名粉丝的脸书专页“高师傅”版主高伟俊,擅长以魔法巧克力制作各种塑形巧克力造型,包括名表 ...
好鞍,配好马。 小红书上的一篇笔记,标题为:为了Labubu,我想买人生第一只奢牌包。 这篇乍看是骗阅读量的笔记讨论度竟然过万,不少消费者 ...
The relationship between the Philippines and China has turned decidedly frosty under the Marcos administration, which has been consistently calling out the giant nation for its repeated incursions ...