Kerala’s Leader of the Opposition V.D. Satheesan on Thursday (January 16, 2025) said he suspected that “corruption” motivated the Cabinet to allow a global liquor major to establish ...
The real-time price of Brent crude oil is at $78.05 per barrel, and the price of WTI crude oil is at $75.02 per barrel. Oil prices are customarily quoted in dollars (USD) around the world, not only in ...
A presidential Cabinet is a group of senior federal officials who advise the president on the issues and activities of their respective agencies. The number of officials in a Cabinet can vary across ...
Amanda DeWitt negotiated a great deal for the Louis XVI marble-top buffet cabinet of her dreams, paying $3,200 for the furniture piece after the original buyer spent $22,500 on it. However ...
It can be bought in Tibet, Xinjiang, Yunnan, Inner Mongolia, and everywhere else. It is found in the liquor cabinets of rich and poor and everyone in between. If you are anywhere in China, you will ...