"Round and Round," also known as Mingle or "Ring-a Ring-a," is a song and game from the second season of the South Korean Netflix show Squid Game in which players have to undergo a series of fatal ...
Why do we revisit the things we loved as kids? What’s the lasting power of our favorite TV shows and movies? A new podcast from Connecticut Public looks for answers in a big, purple dinosaur. It’s ...
chances are good that you had a stuffed Barney lying around your home. This hour, we listen to “Purple Capitalism," an episode of Connecticut Public’s new podcast, "Generation Barney." Later, we’re ...
'Squid Game' director comes to defense of T.O.P.'s character after negative reviews 'Squid Game' actor sparks backlash with possible season three spoiler in Instagram post ...
Yet even amongst those who have mild winters, looking for a region of the country that has year-round sunshine ... you understand and agree that we may use your story, or versions of it, in ...
we all do it). Over time, engineers fine-tuned the design. Those rounded windows weren’t just round. They were slightly squashed and a bit deeper than they were wide. That made it easier to squeeze a ...
Bradley Walsh is endlessly entertaining on shows like The Chase and Gladiators with his quick wit and iconic responses to when things go wrong ... of two children, son Barney, who he has teamed ...
Trader Joe’s is a haven for snackers, with staple options available year-round at a budget-friendly price. And those seasonal items they throw into the mix? Spectacular. Stretch your grocery ...